About Us

Red & Black Company is a joint venture with 20 years of history in the field of construction, imports-exports, transports and power sales. The company is a union of two operators, Prodani Construction and Red & Black, which have started their activity in the beginning of 1996.

This company has exercised its activity in the field of construction and it has a rich history with works that start with apartments construction, public works, reconstructions and refinements in the fields of electric lines, power plants and substations.

Red & Black has a qualified technical-engineering staff which owns a considerable amount of machineries. The man office of the activity of the society is located in Tirana, St. "Sitki Çiço", "Prodani Construction" building, 2nd floor.

The company has 15 employees in total and it has cooperated with a firm as a client, Energo Invest and OSHEE firms.



The main suppliers with whom Red & Black Ltd. company cooperates are:


  • “Kastrati” shpk
  • “Europetrol Albania” sha
  • “Renold Y” shpk
  • “Shijaku” shpk
  • “Star 2009” shpk
  • “Dyrrahsped” shpk
  • “Shyti Petrol”

  • “Proton” shpk
  • “Bylbery” shpk
  • “Linad Trucks BVBA”
  • “Kappa Oil” sha
  • “Rafaelo 2002” sha
  • “Heirwegh Gebr Belgjikë”
  • “Sejdini 3W” shpk

  • “Antea Cement” sha
  • “Kadiu” sha
  • ETS shpk
  • ESA shpk
  • Ferraj shpk
  • Alban Construzion
  • ACI engineering shpk

Our Partners

Contact Us

Address: "Sitki Cico" Str, "Prodani Construction" Building, Second Floor, Tirana, Albania
+355 67 60 00 151