Red & Black Company is a joint venture with 20 years of history in the field of construction, imports-exports, transports and power sales.

The company is a union of two operators, Prodani Construction and Red & Black, which have started their activity in the beginning of 1996.

This company has exercised its activity in the field of construction and it has a rich history with works that start with apartments construction, public works, reconstructions and refinements in the fields of electric lines, power plants and substations.

Red & Black has a qualified technical-engineering staff which owns a considerable amount of machineries. The man office of the activity of the society is located in Tirana, St. "Sitki Çiço", "Prodani Construction" building, 2nd floor.

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Contact Us

Address: "Sitki Cico" Str, "Prodani Construction" Building, Second Floor, Tirana, Albania
+355 67 60 00 151